To understand why I, David Borland, started Nomadik Overlanding you have to go back to 2019. Just getting into the hobby and doing a lot of research, like I'm sure most of us do, I realized that this "hobby" was going to become a really expensive addiction. One thing I couldn't figure out however, is why everything became so expensive once you stamped overlander on it. I
That's when I started brainstorming the idea of making my new passion my career. Over the course of military experience, six years active duty with 44 NTC rotations (which is a crazy amount), I developed a passion for organizing both the living and storage space inside my rig. After all, this is where you spend most of your time when your out overlanding. I decided that this would become my focus and that I would offer high quality, well thought out products without the "overland tax" we all have come to know and hate.